Partner platform adoption, sometimes called platform onboarding rate, means that users become accustomed to a vendor-provided PRM solution or partner service and then decide to continue using it. In simple terms, we can consider this phenomenon as the acceptance rate and therefore also the satisfaction of the partners with the system of the provider for cooperation with their channel.
When a vendor’s solution has a high platform adoption rate, it is a clear indication that far more people are adopting the vendor’s PRM service than disliking it. This high acceptance rate usually means that the provider is very effective in attracting new partners.
When partners use the vendor’s preferred platform, there are several key benefits. Specifically, this includes a greater level of control, finesse and consistency in provider-led affiliate marketing solutions. The real power of most PRM systems is that they create a constant connection between the partners and their vendors that can be mutually beneficial. It enables easier support and communication of information for the partner and easier coordination and direction for the provider.
Given these benefits, it’s easy to see why better acceptance of the partner platform is beneficial for the vendor: centralization of marketing and sales data from around the world in one easy-to-understand and manageable place, unified marketing and sales content, branding, messaging, and processes , through which it is easy to understand what works in which market, what can be achieved by specific partners and better control over company representation. All of these things are likely to lead to:
- Lower cost-per-acquisition (CPA)
- Higher partner loyalty
- A higher marketing ROI
- An increased lifetime value of the partners
- Unified marketing, unified sales and unified service
Any business that benefits from highly engaged and brand-aware partners is also likely to benefit from greater platform adoption. To ensure that users see the value of the platform, stick with it and fully embrace it, companies need to guide them through the process and support them in using the platform. This can be clearly outlined in a vendor’s strategy for partner platform adoption.
The goal of a platform adoption strategy is to help users achieve their goal. That means great sales and marketing that benefits both parties. It also means that research needs to be conducted to understand users’ motivations, their needs, their environment, their beliefs, their complaints and most importantly, the reasons why they don’t want to adopt the platform.
The partners often no longer use the platform for reasons that are difficult to predict. For example, because they find them too time-consuming, too complex and difficult, or simply because they feel that the platform doesn’t meet their needs.
Using this equation, teams can think about improving their user adoption rate:
Acceptance = Value / Effort
If the value of the service outweighs the cost, adoption is positive and users are likely to stick with the partner platform. When the effort outweighs the value, they tend to give up. So, to improve adoption, the team can either increase value or decrease effort. Ideally, both happen.
As you can see, it is crucial that the acceptance of the partner platforms is balanced so that the interaction between users can be improved. Ultimately, this leads to better information sharing, stronger brand-wide cohesion, and an overall better flow of partners’ marketing and sales channels with your support. But the question remains: How can we improve acceptance?
We’ll help you! So do not hesitate to contact us . In a personal conversation we will find solutions together with you to improve the acceptance of your partner platform.
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