Energy independence through self-experimentation!
I started implementing sustainability with renewable forms of energy in my private life 20 years ago. My contribution to preserving the environment for my children and their descendants. Here are the results of my efforts and some background information.
We are often asked whether it is even worth it and how the whole thing can be financed. Amortization is certainly possible (the 226 MWh of electricity we produce alone is already worth it) - but for me there is also a lot of ideological motivation at play. How can we afford the whole thing? On the one hand through cheap loans and subsidies from the state (I am completely open about that), and on the other hand through our own investment in the future. Because right now it is once again becoming clear that the return on an investment in energy autonomy can only come much later (see the current costs of gas, electricity and petrol).I enjoy exchanging ideas with interested people and talking about experiences and trends.
Sustainability improves our quality of life, protects our ecosystem and preserves natural resources for future generations. In the corporate world, sustainability is associated with an organization's holistic approach, taking into account all areas from production to logistics to customer service.
A green and sustainable approach is not only beneficial for the environment, but also maximizes the long-term profitability of companies.
No matter who we are, where we live, and what we do, we all have a moral obligation to each other, our future generations, and other species to preserve the planet. Our decisions and actions today have enormous long-term impacts on future generations. When we practice sustainability, we ensure we make ethical choices that provide a safe, livable future for all. If we use up the Earth's resources, future generations will miss out, too. If we overfish our oceans, for example, we risk not only depleting fish supplies, but also depleting all organisms in the food chain associated with that fish.
Sustainable business practices lead to a significant reduction in long-term energy costs. Some quick initiatives, such as switching to energy-efficient lighting depending on production schedules, reduce long-term electricity costs. Using solar and wind energy and energy-efficient appliances reduce monthly electricity bills. Reducing energy consumption is a good idea for companies simply because it helps them become more efficient overall.
In the long term, our society benefits from better water and air quality, fewer landfills and more renewable energy sources. Acting sustainably helps make a real difference in society. Those who commit to sustainability reduce their carbon footprint and the amount of toxins released into the environment, making it safe. When we focus on sustainability, the whole world benefits and can live in cleaner, healthier living conditions.
Promoting the conservation of natural resources not only impacts your company's standards and brand, but also your employees and their families. By making sustainability a priority in your company, you also raise awareness of this important issue among your employees and may influence their consumption behavior. The impact on society can be far-reaching.
Fortunately, you can make your life more ecological, yet enjoyable, by making a number of simple choices. Below is a list of simple changes to live sustainably every day. Choosing a sustainable lifestyle doesn't mean you have to give up things or reduce your quality of life! In fact, you will feel more fulfilled and happier knowing that you are contributing to a better world.
Nowadays, it is very easy to choose sustainable products. Many companies make sustainability a priority. From clothing to cosmetic brands to food and energy companies, there are so many sustainable products to choose from. So choose brands that put sustainability first. Choose companies that use recycled plastics or materials instead of those that keep adding to landfills. If you are an entrepreneur yourself, careful planning of your business processes – e.g. following the principles of Circular Economy – help to divert waste from landfills. Companies can take many simple steps to achieve more sustainable practices, such as using bamboo cutlery instead of single-use plastic, replacing fluorescent tubes with LED bulbs, using waste treatment companies, etc.
Try to avoid using the car as much as possible, at least for short distances. This will help reduce carbon emissions and therefore help the environment. Opt for an electric car, a bicycle or walking if you live in a walkable city. This is a great way to get exercise and be less dependent on petrol-powered transport.
If you can't walk or use public transportation, consider carpooling. Offer to ride with colleagues and friends. Or give someone a ride whenever possible. Small, consistent actions really pay off in the long run!
Most importantly, choose with your money. Choose sustainable food producers. You can shop at local farmers markets to get tasty, fresh produce from local vendors. Shopping at farmers markets helps reduce carbon emissions from transportation. You can also simply choose brands that are committed to sustainable practices.
A small change in your habits can have a big lasting impact. Opt for reusable bottles for on-the-go use. Choose reusable tea towels over paper towels and reusable shopping bags over paper or plastic bags. Also, use reusable food containers to safely package your food while reducing waste.
Every year, thousands of sea turtles, seabirds and other marine mammals die from plastic-related causes, so reduce your plastic waste by using reusable bags and avoiding products made from plastic. Plastic is not biodegradable and therefore ends up in landfill unless it is reused by a brand committed to sustainability.
Recycling is the least everyone should do these days. It's so easy and convenient to recycle, just make sure you have a recycling bin at home, business, etc. All waste disposal companies now offer recycling pickup along with garbage collection, so there really is no excuse!
2012 – the year in which we provided press support for our customer Talesun with solar panels. We had to deal very intensively with the topics of solar power, solar systems, sustainability, profitability and costs. It quickly became clear that a solar system made sense and it made sense to use our customer's products ourselves.
Since we also wanted to write a user report, my system was used as a reference. This user report was published and is still available today here a DAK Bungalow.
A look at the economic side shows that the PV system pays for itself from day one. The electricity produced by the system is used by my family and myself, and part of it is fed into the grid of a regional energy company. Even while servicing the capital service, we saved a mid-four-figure sum in energy costs. These savings and the income from the sale of the remaining electricity are used to finance the photovoltaic system.
We store the electricity from our photovoltaic system for later use with Tesla's Powerwall system. It works with solar systems to provide important safety and financial benefits. Each Powerwall system is equipped with energy monitoring, meters and smart controls that the owner can customize through the Tesla app. The system learns and adapts to your energy use over time and receives over-the-air updates to add new features and improve existing ones.
Powerwall is a rechargeable home battery system that is installed along with solar panels. A Powerwall system can consist of up to 10 Powerwalls, including a combination of Powerwall+ and traditional Powerwalls. A Powerwall+ includes additional features that focus on integrating solar energy, allowing for cleaner installations with fewer devices.
Integrated energy metering can help you closely monitor your solar production and energy usage to gain precise, real-time insight into your home energy, qualify for clean energy incentives, and be ready to participate in future virtual power plants. Powerwall+ is capable of intelligently powering heavy equipment, and direct solar integration improves solar charging during power outages, resulting in a better off-grid experience than ever before.
What is more satisfying than producing your own electricity, storing it in a power storage unit and making it available for the night? Of course, for me it had to be a Tesla storage unit - in this case version 1 with the elegant, attractive shape. That's why the storage units are hanging directly in view when you enter the basement.
The installation has Maxx-Solar made in Thuringia – extremely professional and reliable.

This means that the investment in the solar power plant will pay for itself after just ten to eleven years. After that, the proceeds from operating the plant will remain with us after deducting the operating costs.
In our case, it was a case of covering all available space with solar panels. Our orientation is east/west with a slight rotation in the axis. The roof of the house is quite steep, so installation was anything but easy. The outbuilding was also covered with panels after the roof was reinforced.
Viewed from above on Google Maps, the whole thing looks quite impressive! In total, there are several hundred panels that generate a maximum output of 29,5 kWh peak (we had to leave out some panels in order not to exceed the limit of 30 kWh peak) and thus produce up to 25 MWh per year.
The cables could be laid quite easily in the basement, where the inverters were mounted inconspicuously in a corner.
Our pioneering position has one disadvantage: we are unable to easily connect the inverters via API or interface, as these functions were not yet so well developed in the early years of photovoltaic technology. If anyone is familiar with this area and has a solution, I would be happy to discuss it with you!
Sadly, it should be mentioned at this point that even after 10 years, hardly anyone in our neighborhood is using photovoltaics and most of the roofs are still empty. In my opinion, this is a dramatic waste of the potential of renewable energies!
In order to have a precise overview of consumption and to control the four OpenWB charging stations depending on the electricity production, I had Discovergy install a meter. This measures electricity production and consumption, delivers the data to a portal and can be queried from the charging stations via API. Unfortunately, the provider filed for bankruptcy in 2022 and I am still waiting for an update on what will happen next. Further information on the charging stations can be found below.
Since you can never produce enough electricity and we need a sheltered area for two vehicles, we decided to build a carport. The motto was to go big or go home, so we built a carport along the entire length of the house (10 m) and the maximum width (3,5 m). In order to use the carport as efficiently as possible, we decided to cover 3/4 of the area with solar panels. 1/4 will be made of glass so that the windows are not completely darkened.
The carport is currently in place (construction time 3 days), the cover with OSB boards, sealing and sheet metal as well as the glass will follow soon and the panels are in the planning stage. This is another project for the next few months and then we will have another 6-7 kWh/p available. This will then be used to fill the 45 kWh storage and also to charge the BEVs.
Since the storage system was installed subsequently (5 years after the solar system was installed), an AD/DC inverter is necessary to generate DC power for the storage system from the electricity produced and converted into AC.
A further 30 kWh of storage capacity was added at the beginning of the year with two new PowerWalls 2 from Tesla with emergency power supply.
At the same time, I have also changed my electricity provider and am now with Octopus Energy, Tesla's electricity supplier in Germany. Anyone who wants to switch can get this Link 50 euros credited:
I have always been interested in electromobility and as an old Audi fan I wanted to be one of the first to drive an E-Tron. At the beginning of 2010 it was already said that there would be a fully electric Audi and when the R2015 E-Tron was presented in 8 my hopes were revived. But not a single vehicle was delivered.
But then the day came when I was working for our customer DELL I attended an event in Berlin - the DELL Future Days. There was a lot of talk about the future with AI, IoT and the next generation of computers. During a presentation by Frank Thelen, who spoke about his investments in innovative companies, the topic of e-mobility was also addressed. Frank Thelen addressed the lack of availability of German electric vehicles.
He complained that there was currently only one manufacturer that could offer a vehicle – and that was Tesla. He has already had to buy his 3rd or 4th Tesla, which, to his dismay, comes from the USA. He would have preferred to see this innovation in Germany. Unfortunately, it took German car manufacturers years to adopt this technology, and even today they are not fully convinced. We can only hope that they have not lost touch. The leading position has already been lost - to the USA and especially to the Chinese.
At that moment I decided to buy a Tesla and not wait until a German manufacturer followed suit (it was only 5 years later that Audi came out with an E-Tron). Back in Munich I went to the Tesla store on Blumenstrasse, arranged a test drive, then ordered a Telsa Model S 90D (actually it was supposed to be a Model S 100P - but common sense and my wallet prevailed) and a few weeks later the model was on my doorstep - with free charging for life.
What should happen to my Audi A8 4,2 TDI, which I had bought cheaply at the Audi factory sale and had only driven for 3 years? The financing was still running and I just wanted to keep it for long journeys. But when it sat in the garage for weeks gathering dust because I drove the Tesla everywhere, I decided with a heavy heart to say goodbye to my beloved A8 - and I have never regretted it.
This is what our Model S 90D still looks like today, spruced up with foil and well looked after. My wife has now taken over the car after our old Audi A6 3,0 TDI broke down with a gearbox problem after 450.000 km (will probably still run with the new gearbox). We enjoy the trips to Croatia (over 2.000 km) and are happy about the free charging. With almost 170.000 km, hardly any breakdowns or repairs and all the upgrades to hardware and software, it is in just as good condition as the new Model S. Which other manufacturer can offer something like that?
In 2019, a blue Model 3 SR was added for my eldest daughter after she had driven thousands of kilometers with our Audi A3 2,5 TDI and diesel was becoming increasingly expensive. In just under 1,5 years, the Tesla had also done 85.000 km - but the rear-wheel drive was not ideal for the Bavarian winters.
So, due to the good resale value of our Model 3, we decided to buy a Model Y. No sooner said than done - Tesla Model 3 sold and new Model Y LR picked up from Düsseldorf as one of the last vehicles delivered in the third quarter of 3.
But in order to get rid of all diesel and petrol cars and switch completely to e-mobility, I still had my Audi A3 and my youngest daughter's Corsa. So first I had to get rid of the Audi and Corsa (used car prices were very high) and get replacements. For me, the only option at the moment was the Model 3 Performance and the delivery times were very good at 4 weeks. So we had an appointment to pick it up in Haag/Lower Bavaria in October 2021. A car that was available from Frankfurt was bought for my daughter without further ado, a ZOE ZE 50, so that we are now completely electric.
After two years of waiting, the highlight of the Tesla model range has finally arrived in Germany and I was able to receive my Model S Plaid in December 2. Incredible performance, gigantic design and endless fun with consumption of less than 22 kWh/20 km and a range of 100 km. Unfortunately, my Model 600 Performance had to make way and was sold in January 3.
Disclaimer: No one in the family has regretted it so far and no one has been stranded because they ran out of electricity – range anxiety is simply a bogeyman used by traditional OEMs to keep people away from battery-electric vehicles.

The necessary charging stations were also added: two OpenWB Duo, which allow all four vehicles to be charged simultaneously, ideally via the solar system. The systems are controlled via a web front end, via which all parameters can be set and the entire charge is preconfigured.
Two first-generation Tesla wall boxes, which I dismantled at home, have found their way to our stable and offer us and stranded e-mobility users access to green electricity at any time. My landlord also operates a large system and offers us the electricity for use.
All of our stations are listed in many charging card apps and can be used by anyone when there is a power shortage. This was the case, for example, with a BMW I3 driver from Starnberg who could no longer make it to Ebersberg to charge her vehicle there. She was able to not only charge her car to Ebersberg, but also enough to get her home. All for free - including a coffee. I found out that my charging stations are even listed in TomTom - I'm particularly pleased about that.
- Polluters – Electric Cars versus Combustion Engines
- This is how much electricity cars with combustion engines need
A heat pump is part of a heating and cooling system and is installed outside your home. Like an air conditioner, such as central air conditioning, it can cool your home, but it can also provide heat. During the cooler months, a heat pump takes heat from cold outside air and transfers it indoors, and during the warmer months, it takes heat from inside air to cool your home. They run on electricity and transfer heat using refrigerant to provide year-round comfort. Because they can both cool and heat, homeowners may not need to install separate systems to heat their homes. In colder climates, the interior fan coil unit can be supplemented with an electric heat strip for additional functionality. Heat pumps don't burn fossil fuels like furnaces do, making them more environmentally friendly.
The two most common types of heat pumps are air source and ground source heat pumps. Air source heat pumps transfer heat between indoor and outdoor air and are the most popular for heating and cooling homes. Ground source heat pumps, also called geothermal heat pumps, transfer heat between the air in the home and the ground. They are more expensive to install but are typically more efficient and have lower running costs because the ground's temperature is consistent year-round.
How does a heat pump work? Heat pumps transfer heat from one place to another through various air or heat sources. Air source heat pumps transfer heat between the air inside the house and the air outside the house, while ground source heat pumps transfer heat between the air inside the house and the ground outside the house. We'll focus on air source heat pumps, but the basic way they work is the same for both.
Despite the name, heat pumps don't generate heat - they move heat from one place to another. A furnace generates heat that is distributed throughout the house, but a heat pump absorbs heat energy from the outside air (even in cold temperatures) and releases it into the inside air. In cooling mode, a heat pump and an air conditioner are functionally identical: they absorb heat from the inside air and release it again via the outdoor unit.
When considering which type of system is best for your home, several important factors should be considered, including the size of the home and the local climate. A local Carrier dealer has the expertise to assess your specific needs and help you make the right decision.
Homeowners who need a new heating or cooling system should consider the type of climate they live in before purchasing a heat pump system. Heat pumps are more likely to be used in milder climates where temperatures don't typically fall below freezing. In colder regions, they can also be combined with furnaces to provide energy-efficient heating on all but the coldest days. When outdoor temperatures are too low for the heat pump to operate effectively, the system uses the furnace to generate heat instead. This type of system is often called a dual-fuel system—it's very energy and cost efficient.
After having dealt with the subject very intensively over the last 12 months and given a lot of thought to what options there are for further energy savings and sustainable installations, the subject of heat pumps kept coming up. Now that the federal government has also provided subsidies of up to 45% and the technologies have become increasingly better, I started looking for a supplier.
I came across the manufacturer Waterkotte and wrote to several installation companies. Only one got in touch and we were able to arrange an appointment within a week. After viewing my house and making an initial assessment, I was immediately convinced that the solution was right and that this was the partner I wanted. Whether it was because Mr. Seiler and his family drive Teslas themselves, he himself operates a heat pump for himself and his parents (also in older houses), or simply because his arguments were convincing - I wanted an offer immediately.
Two days later the offer arrived and was signed less than two hours later. According to Patrick Seiler, Managing Director of Apple heating, this was the quickest conclusion of his career. That was in March 2022 and with a few minor delays (the "global supply chain crisis" was to hit me too), the heat pump is scheduled to be installed in October. All the necessary applications etc. were made by the installation partner - all I had to do was transfer the deposit and wait.
At this point, I would like to mention once again the commitment of Patrick Seiler, who still carries the customer satisfaction genes of a service provider. I was able to recommend him without any problems and two other friends will be purchasing heat pumps from Apple heating relate.
The first reports will follow in the next few months.
As explained, a heat pump is a device that uses a small amount of energy to move heat from one place to another. Heat pumps used to heat swimming pools transfer heat from the outside air to the water. Because they use heat that is already there and only move it from one place to another, they use less electricity.
As pool water circulates through the pool pump, it passes through a filter and the heat pump heater. The heat pump heater has a fan that draws in outside air and passes it over the evaporator coil. The liquid refrigerant in the evaporator coil absorbs heat from the outside air and becomes a gas. The warm gas in the coil then passes through the compressor. The compressor increases the heat and creates a very hot gas, which then passes through the condenser. The condenser transfers the heat from the hot gas to the cooler pool water circulating through the heater. The heated water then flows back into the pool. As the hot gas passes through the condenser coil, it becomes liquid again and returns to the evaporator where the whole process begins again.
Higher efficiency heat pump pool heaters typically use scroll compressors, as opposed to the piston compressors found in standard units.
Heat pump pool heaters work efficiently as long as the outside temperature is above the 7º-10º range. The colder the outside air they draw in, the less efficiently they work, resulting in higher energy bills. However, since most people use their outdoor pools in warm and mild weather, this is not usually a problem.
Heat pump pool heaters are more expensive than gas pool heaters, but they typically have much lower annual running costs due to their higher efficiency. When properly maintained, heat pump pool heaters typically last longer than gas pool heaters, so you'll save more money in the long run.
When choosing a heat pump pool heater, you should pay attention to the following:
- Size
- Efficiency
- Costs
When we purchased the whirlpool, we decided to use a heat pump to heat the pool. Despite the luxury, we still wanted to ensure the sustainability of our installations. We managed to do this, as the pool heating was disconnected and the pool is now only heated with the heat pump. It is clear that the pump also needs some electricity - but much less than the heating. In addition, our solar system usually supplies the necessary electricity.
We cannot yet estimate how it will work in winter, as we only installed the system in the spring. A report on our experience will follow. So far, we have not noticed any restrictions in terms of temperature, operation or noise level.
A rainwater harvesting system, also called a rainwater collection system or rainwater harvesting system, is a technology for collecting and storing rainwater for use as domestic water. Rainwater harvesting systems range from simple rain barrels to more elaborate designs with pumps, tanks and treatment systems. The non-potable water can be used to irrigate green spaces, flush toilets, wash cars or do laundry, and even be purified for human consumption. With water scarcity a pressing problem in many densely populated regions, rainwater harvesting systems can provide water to homes and businesses during dry periods and reduce the demand on municipal systems.
Further plans are also being considered, although the cost-benefit factor still needs to be examined.
- Wind energy as a supplement to electricity production. I am currently looking into the possibility of putting two horizontal wind turbines on the roof. Opinions differ as to whether it is profitable, whether horizontal or vertical, and how the installation should look. In general, however, I am less concerned with profitability than with the addition to the electricity neutrality of the house. I am very interested in experiences and possible providers.
- Another carport is to be installed on the east side. solar panels (as transparent as possible so that the windows on this side are not darkened) with its own storage for the wallbox on the east side. I have currently found an offer from Gridparitythat meets our requirements. Here, too, I would be happy to receive your input and experiences.
- water-tank to increase the water consumption from rainwater. We currently have around 3.000 liters of water storage, which we want to expand further.
Further ideas are still being developed. I am happy to share my experiences or learn from the experiences of others. Simply set an appointment or call: +49 171 7181391.